I had this post in mind for quite a long time now. RAW files are currently viewed as "your digital negative". Let's see how you can "develop" your RAW files to get many different results from a single shot.
Tools I use for my photography elaboration with Linux are:
Other tools I don't use daily, but I should take a look at:
Now, to the images!
Original shot
This is the original shot, as converted by Canon algorithms (RAW embedded preview)
UFraw development
UFraw mostly "auto" settings
UFraw "my" settings
UFraw with more "washed out" (less saturated, light color cooler) look
Luminance HDR (aka QTpfsGUI)
These are "HDR from single file" exports from QTpfsGUI 1.9.3 (project is now named Luminance HDR).
Reinhard '02, key 0.18, phi 1, pregamma 1
Reinhard '05, brightness 4, chromatic adaptation 1, light adaptation 0, pregamma 1
Mantiuk, contrast mapping 0.1, saturation factor 0.8, detail factor 1, pregamma 1
Mantiuk, contrast mapping 0.1, saturation factor 0.8, detail factor 1, pregamma 1.7
Fattal, alpha 0.1, beta 0.8, saturation 1, noise redux 0.582, pregamma 1
Fattal, alpha 0.1, beta 0.814, saturation 1, noise redux 0.682, pregamma 1.2
Fattal, alpha 0.1, beta 0.814, saturation 1, noise redux 0.682, pregamma 1.4
Fattal, alpha 0.102, beta 0.932, saturation 1, noise redux 1, pregamma 1.6
Digital has almost the same options than analog, just give it a try!