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Questo post è stato spostato su Wordpress in protesta contro la censura applicata da Google su richiesta dei governi di alcuni paesi.
In protest against Google censorship of Blogger blogs in some countries, this post has been moved to Wordpress.
Questo post è stato spostato su Wordpress in protesta contro la censura applicata da Google su richiesta dei governi di alcuni paesi.
In protest against Google censorship of Blogger blogs in some countries, this post has been moved to Wordpress.
Questo post è stato spostato su Wordpress in protesta contro la censura applicata da Google su richiesta dei governi di alcuni paesi.
I didn't find the cause, but don't panic if your EEE PC 1215B starts with a black/dead screen after being suspended (Fedora 16 here, but I think it applies to other distros also)
As I said: don't panic. Disconnect the power cord. Disconnect the battery. Wait a few seconds, then reconnect the battery and power cord and turn on your netbook: the screen will wake up :)
In protest against Google censorship of Blogger blogs in some countries, this post has been moved to Wordpress.
Questo post è stato spostato su Wordpress in protesta contro la censura applicata da Google su richiesta dei governi di alcuni paesi.
In protest against Google censorship of Blogger blogs in some countries, this post has been moved to Wordpress.
Questo post è stato spostato su Wordpress in protesta contro la censura applicata da Google su richiesta dei governi di alcuni paesi.
In protest against Google censorship of Blogger blogs in some countries, this post has been moved to Wordpress.
Questo post è stato spostato su Wordpress in protesta contro la censura applicata da Google su richiesta dei governi di alcuni paesi.
In protest against Google censorship of Blogger blogs in some countries, this post has been moved to Wordpress.
Questo post è stato spostato su Wordpress in protesta contro la censura applicata da Google su richiesta dei governi di alcuni paesi.
In protest against Google censorship of Blogger blogs in some countries, this post has been moved to Wordpress.
Questo post è stato spostato su Wordpress in protesta contro la censura applicata da Google su richiesta dei governi di alcuni paesi.
In protest against Google censorship of Blogger blogs in some countries, this post has been moved to Wordpress.
Questo post è stato spostato su Wordpress in protesta contro la censura applicata da Google su richiesta dei governi di alcuni paesi.
Today my employer asked me to look into Postfix. We should take an address like and make it into
Looking at the (good) documentation from Postfix, I managed to get a solution. You should change in /etc/postfix/
canonical_maps = regexp:/etc/postfix/rewrite
and the /etc/postfix/rewrite file will contain:
/^(.*)@(.*)\.local\.lan$/ ${1}.${2}@domain.tld
In protest against Google censorship of Blogger blogs in some countries, this post has been moved to Wordpress.
Questo post è stato spostato su Wordpress in protesta contro la censura applicata da Google su richiesta dei governi di alcuni paesi.
$ apt-cache search mysql | grep '^mysql' mysql-cluster-client - MySQL database client (metapackage) mysql-mmm-agent - Multi-Master Replication Manager for MySQL - agent daemon mysql-mmm-common - Multi-Master Replication Manager for MySQL - common files mysql-mmm-monitor - Multi-Master Replication Manager for MySQL - monitoring daemon mysql-mmm-tools - Multi-Master Replication Manager for MySQL - tools
$ aptitude search ^mysql p mysql-admin - GUI tool for intuitive MySQL administration p mysql-client - MySQL database client (metapackage) v mysql-client-4.1 - p mysql-client-5.1 - MySQL database client binaries i A mysql-client-core-5.1 - MySQL database core client binaries [...]
$ sudo mkdir /media/transformer $ sudo chmod 755 /media/transformer $ sudo chown your_username:root /media/transformer
$ sudo vim /etc/fstab
mtpfs /media/transformer fuse noauto,users,umask=033,allow_other 0 0
$ sudo mount /media/transformer
In protest against Google censorship of Blogger blogs in some countries, this post has been moved to Wordpress.
Questo post è stato spostato su Wordpress in protesta contro la censura applicata da Google su richiesta dei governi di alcuni paesi.
In protest against Google censorship of Blogger blogs in some countries, this post has been moved to Wordpress.
Questo post è stato spostato su Wordpress in protesta contro la censura applicata da Google su richiesta dei governi di alcuni paesi.
In protest against Google censorship of Blogger blogs in some countries, this post has been moved to Wordpress.
Questo post è stato spostato su Wordpress in protesta contro la censura applicata da Google su richiesta dei governi di alcuni paesi.
label: 18.1 Mb second label: 100.00 %
$ cat file | awk {'print $2'} 18.1 label:
$ cat file | sed -e 's#[^0-9.]##g' 18.1 100.00
# echo * app_plugins code licenses README.txt sketch_sheets templates
# rpm -qa | grep quota quota-3.17-10.el6.x86_64
# mount -t ext4 /dev/vdb1 /mnt/testquota -ousrquota,grpquota # quotaon /mnt/testquota # quotacheck -bvug /mnt/testquota
# partizione mountpoint fs opzioni dump/prio /dev/vdb1 /mnt/testquota ext4 defaults,usrquota,grpquota 1 2
# ls -lh /mnt/testquota/ totale 40K -rw-------. 1 root root 6,0K 13 mag 05:20 -rw-------. 1 root root 7,0K 13 mag 05:23 aquota.user [...]
# edquota velenux [si apre vi per modificare il file] Disk quotas for user velenux (uid 500): Filesystem blocks soft hard inodes soft hard /dev/vdb1 0 50000 60000 0 20 50
# mkdir /mnt/testquota/velenux # chown velenux:users -R /mnt/testquota/velenux # su - velenux $ cd /mnt/testquota/velenux $ for num in $(seq 5); do dd if=/dev/urandom of=prova${num} bs=10M count=2; sync; done 2+0 records in 2+0 records out 20971520 bytes (21 MB) copied, 2,88992 s, 7,3 MB/s 2+0 records in 2+0 records out 20971520 bytes (21 MB) copied, 2,88969 s, 7,3 MB/s dd: scrittura di `prova3': Superata la quota di disco 2+0 records in 1+0 records out 19496960 bytes (19 MB) copied, 2,85899 s, 6,8 MB/s dd: scrittura di `prova4': Superata la quota di disco 1+0 records in 0+0 records out 0 bytes (0 B) copied, 1,43602 s, 0,0 kB/s dd: scrittura di `prova5': Superata la quota di disco 1+0 records in 0+0 records out 0 bytes (0 B) copied, 1,42407 s, 0,0 kB/s
$ ls -lb totale 60000 -rw-rw-r--. 1 velenux velenux 20971520 18 mag 03:08 prova1 -rw-rw-r--. 1 velenux velenux 20971520 18 mag 03:08 prova2 -rw-rw-r--. 1 velenux velenux 19496960 18 mag 03:08 prova3 -rw-rw-r--. 1 velenux velenux 0 18 mag 03:08 prova4 -rw-rw-r--. 1 velenux velenux 0 18 mag 03:08 prova5
$ du -sb 61444096 . $ echo 61444096/1024 | bc 60004
# repquota -uv /mnt/testquota/ *** Report for user quotas on device /dev/vdb1 Block grace time: 7days; Inode grace time: 7days Block limits File limits User used soft hard grace used soft hard grace ---------------------------------------------------------------------- root -- 20 0 0 2 0 0 velenux +- 60000 50000 60000 6days 5 20 50 Statistics: Total blocks: 7 Data blocks: 1 Entries: 2 Used average: 2,000000
# edquota -t [viene avviato vim] Grace period before enforcing soft limits for users: Time units may be: days, hours, minutes, or seconds Filesystem Block grace period Inode grace period /dev/vdb1 7days 7days
In protest against Google censorship of Blogger blogs in some countries, this post has been moved to Wordpress.
Questo post è stato spostato su Wordpress in protesta contro la censura applicata da Google su richiesta dei governi di alcuni paesi.
mysql> create table simple (ID integer auto_increment primary key not null, content text) charset utf8 engine innodb; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.07 sec) mysql> show create table simple; +--------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | Table | Create Table | +--------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | simple | CREATE TABLE `simple` ( `ID` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `content` text, PRIMARY KEY (`ID`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 | +--------+---------------------------------------------------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> create unique index `content_idx` on `simple` (content(256)); ERROR 1071 (42000): Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes
$ tar zxvf /path/to/ati-stream-sdk-v2.3-lnx64.tgz $ cd ati-stream-*/ $ export ATISTREAMSDKROOT=$(PWD) $ export ATISTREAMSDKSAMPLESROOT=${ATISTREAMSDKROOT}/samples
$ patch -p1 < /path/to/ati-streams.patch patching file samples/opencl/cl/app/BoxFilterGL/Makefile patching file samples/opencl/cl/app/FluidSimulation2D/Makefile patching file samples/opencl/cl/app/Mandelbrot/Makefile patching file samples/opencl/cl/app/NBody/Makefile patching file samples/opencl/cl/app/SimpleGL/Makefile patching file samples/opencl/cl/app/Template/Makefile patching file samples/opencl/cl/app/URNGNoiseGL/Makefile